I got my hair cut today. I really didn't need one, but i wanted it to be shaped up for my sisters wedding next week. It is such a beautiful day here in Reading, Pennsylvania! I want to go out for a walk at Gring's Mill, a runners, bikers, and walkers, path that runs along a large creek. It is gorgeous there, but unfortunately i cant. Why? Well, I am a procrastinator!! I am leaving tomorrow morning to visit friends in Indiana, and I didn't not pack!!! ooops.
I am really excited though, they live only 25 minutes from Louisville, Ky. It is a very clean city and i enjoy visiting it. Last time i was out there they took me to Ramsi's Cafe on the world. I had the most delicious vegan sandwich there. I still dream about it.....hahaha.... really great cuisine! www.ramsiscafe.com I got the grilled vegetable panini....mmmm. I should try to mimic it!
Well, there are plans being made for this weekends trip that involve other vegetarian/vegan friendly restaurants! I am excited!!
My New Hair Cut!