Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The United States of McDonalds

Isn't this disturbing! There are 13,000 McDonalds in this picture. When I saw this picture, I immediately thought of Food Inc. In that documentary McDonalds ways were exposed. From the farms to the actually contents of the meat! I also thought of Super-Size Me, which I just watched for the first time about a month ago.

Notice how congested the shore-lines are. When foreigners arrive they get a nice Welcome to the Fast Food Nation Greeting. Also.. you can actually see some lines of McDonalds locations.... must be the major highways.

California Giants

This is absolute breath-taking! I want to go see it!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day at the Creek

A week or two ago I took Olivia, the 9 year old i am a nanny for, out for the day. We took a trip to Grings Mill. It is a beautiful walking trail that runs parallel to a large creek. It was beautiful day. She loves nature and is happiest when she is able to be in it. Me too Olivia!!!!

The Dirty Dozen

I found a list of the top twelve fruits/veggies you should buy organic. At they call them the "dirty dozen" top twelve with the highest pesticide content.
buy these organic as often as possible
1. peach
2. apple
3. bell pepper
4. celery
5. nectarine
6. strawberries
7. cherries
8. kale
9. lettuce
10. grapes (imported)
11. carrot
12. pear

Of course this list is also the fruits and veggies i eat the most of! The article said that people who eat the top 12 more often cosume an average of 10 pesticides a day! I know that this can get pricey, but in my store the apples and carrots barely have much of a price difference in the organic and non-organic.

I'm not sure why the grapes were listed as "imported"
I was a little surprised that tomatoes were not on the list. i imagined that they would have a lot of chemicals on them.
Tomatoes, along with avocados were on the top 15 of lowest in pesticides..... which made me happy! I love my avocados!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

OH MY WORD!!!! This is so disgusting! No wonder America is filled with heart disease. I think this can put anyone into cardiac arrest, i'm sure they serve fries with it as well! I imagine some wash it down with a large coke as well! YUCK YUCK YUCK!!! I just don't understand why they would actually put this on the menu.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Crying Glacier

I can not believe this picture! I think it is amazing someone even found this!