Isn't this disturbing! There are 13,000 McDonalds in this picture. When I saw this picture, I immediately thought of Food Inc. In that documentary McDonalds ways were exposed. From the farms to the actually contents of the meat! I also thought of Super-Size Me, which I just watched for the first time about a month ago.
Notice how congested the shore-lines are. When foreigners arrive they get a nice Welcome to the Fast Food Nation Greeting. Also.. you can actually see some lines of McDonalds locations.... must be the major highways.
A week or two ago I took Olivia, the 9 year old i am a nanny for, out for the day. We took a trip to Grings Mill. It is a beautiful walking trail that runs parallel to a large creek. It was beautiful day. She loves nature and is happiest when she is able to be in it. Me too Olivia!!!!
I found a list of the top twelve fruits/veggies you should buy organic. At they call them the "dirty dozen" top twelve with the highest pesticide content.
buy these organic as often as possible
1. peach
2. apple
3. bell pepper
4. celery
5. nectarine
6. strawberries
7. cherries
8. kale
9. lettuce
10. grapes (imported)
11. carrot
12. pear
Of course this list is also the fruits and veggies i eat the most of! The article said that people who eat the top 12 more often cosume an average of 10 pesticides a day! I know that this can get pricey, but in my store the apples and carrots barely have much of a price difference in the organic and non-organic.
I'm not sure why the grapes were listed as "imported"
I was a little surprised that tomatoes were not on the list. i imagined that they would have a lot of chemicals on them.
Tomatoes, along with avocados were on the top 15 of lowest in pesticides..... which made me happy! I love my avocados!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
OH MY WORD!!!! This is so disgusting! No wonder America is filled with heart disease. I think this can put anyone into cardiac arrest, i'm sure they serve fries with it as well! I imagine some wash it down with a large coke as well! YUCK YUCK YUCK!!! I just don't understand why they would actually put this on the menu.
This morning i made a yummy breakfast of Oat Bran Hot Cereal, org. blackberries, org. bananas, blueberries, a little bit of rice milk and a bit of agave nectar..... it was delightful!!! Very filling as well!!! Washed it down with a tall glass of water, and began enjoying my book!
I recently got an account on It's a website where you and your friends post about books you've read, are currently reading, or would like to read. I love seeing what friends have on their lists, and I like to see how they liked a book or not. I value their opinions and suggestions on a good book. It's interesting to see how alike our tastes are, and also how different.
I enjoy a good book, but have been having problems getting into one. So, I have read the first chapter of many books, only to discover..... I'M NOT INTERESTED!!! I just assume if i don't like the first chapter, i won't like the book.......
FINALLY! A breakthrough! I just started to read To Kill A Mockingbird....... a "high school read" that was never assigned to me. I am loving it. I am only a few chapters in, but i know already that this is the book I am actually going to read. I really didn't know anything about the story prior to starting. The back of the book only has one sentence pertaining to the contents. The rest, about the author. Often, I find myself loving both books and movies, that I have no information on. That way i don't have an idea in my head how the story will go, and if i think i am going to like it or not.
This is so cool! In boston, toyota has set up solar powered laptop charging stations. It also provides wifi... all in an effort to advertise the new prius. I think it is cool, and would totally spend hours sitting on the flower station, wishing i could buy a prius.!:)
I have been wanting to watch An Inconvenient Truth lately. It is a so blunt about what is happening to the earth... it is scary to watch, but full of so much information. When i watch all the bar graphs line up almost exactly the same it amazes me. I wish i could see bar graphs of violence, immorality, and hunger. They too would have the exact same pattern, I'm sure.
oooohhh!!! last night i did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred for the first time. Ouch Ouch Ouch!!! I can not believe it.... i was literally on the edge of tears.... it was sooo intense. My favorite part was the crunches, because everything else was squats, and by the 10 minute mark i was in pain! At least the crunches i was lying down!!
I want to do it today, but i can not walk down steps, or sit down. Guess i didn't stretch enough!!!
Jillian Michaels is so fierce... every time i stopped to take a little rest she said "push through" or "if you want to see results you can't stop." It was funny how she said this right around the same times i wanted to quit..... i felt like she would have yelled at me if i did! hahaa
I got together a small group of girls to compete in a weight war! We have 2 months to see who loses the most weight. It started monday. I really feel motivated..... which is the whole purpose in the contest... to motivate!!! I have been doing really well...... so well in fact that a "normal" sized meal fills me sooo quickly! i don't know how much i have lost yet.... but i do feel like i have lost some.
My plan was to exercise more as well... but i haven't been too motivated to do that...... only eat right..... but i hope to change that. I just cleaned up my "gym"...... i removed the big bulky recliner chair that tempted me..... revealing a large area of floor to do pilates on. I have heard from other "contestants" that they are having great workout sessions and i am jealous!! I have to catch up! MOTIVATION!!!! We are only a few days into it and the motivation is intense!
I often will look up my favorite artists in itunes... and then look at the "listeners also bought" list to find new music..... today i started with andrew bird... who i wrote about before, and continued to bon iver... which i stumbled upon before... but today gave him a second chance..... I am in love with his song skinny love!!!! So I decided to google him.... which took me to his myspace..... on his myspace i saw another band.... Bowerbirds...which i thought was funny... ha birds... like andrew bird... anyway... I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!! Here is a music video of theirs..... the video is a little weird... reminds me of fleet foxes video in a way... which is funny because bon iver reminds me of fleet foxes in a way.......... anyway... enjoy! I love the lyric ... it takes a lot of nerve to destroy this wondrous earth.
I just that accordion!
Here is their story...
The roots of the Bowerbirds lie in the Raleigh, NC, indie rock trio Ticonderoga, who were led by singer and guitarist Phil Moore. During the recording of the trio's second album, 2005's The Heilig Levine LP, Moore took a job tracking birds for the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, which involved living in a cabin in the Carolina woods, far from civilization. Moore's girlfriend, a visual artist named Beth Tacular (born Beth Salmon) joined him in the cabin to work on her painting; at night, Moore began writing songs influenced by the couple's rustic, natural surroundings. When Ticonderoga split up on tour supporting their second album, Moore and Tacular started their own band, the Bowerbirds, with Tacular teaching herself how to play the accordion and acquiring a marching band-style bass drum to keep rudimentary time....( this was taken from
It is my dream to live in rustic natural surroundings while i paint and my husband writes songs, and i learn the accordion and marching band bass drum!!!!! hahahaha
Also, Bon Iver recorded his album deep in the woods in a cabin!!! I like him.... a little high pitched.... but i still like it.
p.s. both skinny love by bon iver and in the talons by bowerbirds is free on amazon
David Gray is an artist I would love to see live. In fact he is on my top 5 to see..... coldplay is number one, but i am seeing them in 2 weeks!!!
I love this live video... he sounds great live, and his concerts look like a lot of fun. Also, i think his crowd is a little more pleasing than a lot of concerts i have been to with a bunch of tweens and obnoxious college students.... although, i may be wrong!
The Cello in this video is beautiful, and the drummer is a riot!!
This song is from his album white ladder... one of my favorites albums of all time. It even remains the top selling album of all time in Ireland, eleven years since it's release! ELEVEN YEARS!!! It's hard to believe that i was in 8th grade when i first saw babylon on VH1. Oh dear! Life goes by so quick!!!!
I am sitting here in our newly decorated Panera Bread! It is beautiful! The walls are covered with fresh paint, eggplant purple and sunflower yellow. They have paintings and tapestries on the walls and it is so beautiful! The paintings are funny, but look like something you would see for sale at little independent cafe. All of them have a loaf of bread in them. One is a large loaf hovering over a cube of butter, another is a woman posing on a chair, in her lap her hand is resting on a french baguette. My two favorites: 7 loafs floating in the air, like a dream or something. The other, a dog sitting next to the kitchen counter, nose in air directing towards the fresh loaf. I'd take a picture but the place is hopping! Lots of people are showing up now, it's a cooler, rainy day. People must want coffee or soup today!! I sure do!! I got a hazelnut coffee and now i am thinking of swinging by the grocery store to buy some soup to make later. I have about an hour before I have to go pick up Ethan, one of my "nanny kids". So, off i go to b&n, then giant (grocery store).
While I was out in Indiana, I was on a mission to find a dress to wear to my sisters wedding. I searched high and low in PA, but failed. I also failed in Indiana and Kentucky. In the end I wore a dress I already had. While on this pointless mission, we were walking through macy's, I caught in the corner of my eye....... A LUSH STORE!!!! I was mouth dropped and my eyes grew wide. I glanced back at my friends and dashed over to scope it out! It was actually in the macy's, like clinique has a little kiosk space.
I have never been to a Lush store, but always wanted to.
All of their products are hand-made. They make lotions, shampoos, soaps, deodorants, etc. and they don't use any harsh chemicals!!!
I bought two shampoo bars. I love them! I wet my hair and slide the bar across my scalp 4 times... and voila!!! I have soap in my hair all ready for massaging and lathering up. It lathers better than shampoo liquids in my opinion. They claim it is the same amount as three bottles. Only, after looking online do I see the claim is three 250ml shampoo bottles. That's more like 1 and half normal sized bottles! But it doesn't use bottles.
I definitely recommend you try it out for yourself!!! I do not regret buying the two bars, which is coconut, and the other patchouli. I will only treat myself to this since i spent 15 dollars on it......i don't know.... i see how long they last and if it cost more or less.
Thunder over Louisville Bushkill Falls My sisters wedding Well, it has been 2 weeks since i last posted! Thought I was going to be pretty committed to blogging.... guess i was wrong.
These past two weeks were pretty crazy and packed full of things to do. First, visiting my friends in Indiana, then my sisters wedding, and then my cousin visiting me.
I had a lot of fun in Indiana. I ate at great restaurants and saw a cool fireworks show, Thunder over Louisville.
My sisters wedding went well. No crazy mishaps.
And I had a lot of fun with my cousin Aly. We went to Bushkill Falls, which i have been craving for a long time. We went on the harder hike, which turned out to be really easy!!! Here are a few pictures of my past 2 weeks!!!
I got my hair cut today. I really didn't need one, but i wanted it to be shaped up for my sisters wedding next week. It is such a beautiful day here in Reading, Pennsylvania! I want to go out for a walk at Gring's Mill, a runners, bikers, and walkers, path that runs along a large creek. It is gorgeous there, but unfortunately i cant. Why? Well, I am a procrastinator!! I am leaving tomorrow morning to visit friends in Indiana, and I didn't not pack!!! ooops.
I am really excited though, they live only 25 minutes from Louisville, Ky. It is a very clean city and i enjoy visiting it. Last time i was out there they took me to Ramsi's Cafe on the world. I had the most delicious vegan sandwich there. I still dream about it.....hahaha.... really great cuisine! I got the grilled vegetable panini....mmmm. I should try to mimic it!
Well, there are plans being made for this weekends trip that involve other vegetarian/vegan friendly restaurants! I am excited!!
maple butter is not made from butter This is my night time snack....
Maple Butter on puffed wheat kernel cakes
and an orange
I shouldv'e opted for pb on the cakes, but i didn't....oh well. This is yummy. Maple Butter is dairy-free..... it is made from maple syrup!! They heat the syrup, then stir it while cooling until it is the consistency of icing. Perfect for a sweet tooth!
I just had a most delicious lunch.... Amy's Organic Black Bean Vegetable Soup. So Good!!! And the quickest easiest thing to prepare, since it's canned! haha
I then added cubed avocado, cubed tomato, and a sprinkle of chili powder. YUM YUM and very very filling. In fact too filling.... i shouldv'e only had half! The soup can is two servings!
okay.... i'm adding to this post.... i ate this soup around noon and it stuck with me all day long.... it is 730 and i am not even hungry!!! I had toast around 10 then this soup and water.... and a green tea all day long..... crazy!!! Maybe it's because i over indulged in the soup serving....haha. later I will have an orange and pb toast with my night time cup of chamomile tea... just a light snack to hold me till breaky!!!
I love Andrew Bird!!! I only have a few songs by him, but i love him! I saw him on itunes one time and didn't really give him any special attention. After a friend played him in the car, I decided I needed to check him out more. Happy I did!!
He is like a one man band. He whistles, plays the violin, guitar, and what is that a glockenspiel!!!??? One of the kids I nanny for came home from school with one. I love that name.... glockenspiel! HAHA And, call me crazy, but he really reminds me of Jeff Buckley! Listen to his voice after he plays the violin, right around 4 minutes. I just love that Violin!!!! And the fact that he whistles like a bird, and his name is bird, is a riot!!!
I am definitely gonna buy his albums! I keep listening to the few i have over and over again. I need more!!!!
I just love rice cakes. Today I was at the mall and was getting so hungry, I suddenly realized that in my purse was a delicious low calorie snack. YUM YUM!! My favorite is Suzie's Puffed Kamut cakes sweetened with agave. It is puffed wheat kernels. They are often associated with dieting, and I can see why. It is so light, it is the perfect in between meals snack. Sometimes when i am really craving something sweet, i will put a little stawberry jam on it. Goes great with tea!!! I think i will go have some!!
Well, while the puffed wheat cake held me over, I made my way towards a cute little cafe near a college. It is called college corner cafe. I had an everything bagel with hummus, tomato, onion and sprouts. It was so good!!! I wish i had my laptop with though. I like to order tea or coffee and take a picture of myself. I want to visit all the internet cafe's I possibly can and collect pictures of myself with a mug.
This is my first post on my very first blog! I have enjoyed reading so many other blogs that I have decided to write about my own opinions on everyday life and events. I AM THE RAVISHING VEG!!! I chose that name because I love food and I love being a vegetarian... it is a lot of who i am. Whenever I'm hungry, I always say to my best friend, "I'm ravishing." I said this instead of ravenous by accident one time, years ago, so i still use it. Also, ever since going strictly vegetarian, i feel RAVISHING!!!!